Wednesday, April 11, 2012


And, we're off! That's right, the Tigers season has started, and started great. By sweeping the Red Sox in the first three games, and beating the Rays yesterday, the Tigers have started 4-0 for the first time since the magical season of 2006. That year the Tigers went on to win the American League Wild Card, and advance to the World Series. I think we can almost expect more than a Wild Card berth from this team don't you??? Can we expect more than just an appearance in the World Series though? That's the question that the next 158 games should help answer. 
Our Tigers have one of, if not the best lineups in all of baseball, and in the first four games, it has shown. With the way they are scoring runs, it looks like this could be a fun season to be a Tigers fan! Not only have they scored a lot of runs, they have scored them in timely fashion. Two walk off wins, and an eight inning rally to win a game are a lot of fun! What is making this team go right now is the start Austin Jackson has gotten off to. Jackson is the absolute key to the lineup, as many have said. However, I feel the guy who is going to really make this team go is Brennan Bosesch! The guy is hitting second in front of Miguel Cabrerra and Prince Fielder. He's not going to see anything except fastballs in just about every plate appearance. When Jackson gets on, Boesch needs to pull the ball through the hole created by the other team holding Jackson on, and get him all the way over to third base. At that point, Miggy is going to have an absolute field day hitting with two runners on and Prince hitting behind him. I believe Boesch is going to do that all season long, and it's going to be HUGE for this team. I also think he's going to lead, or be close to it, the team in HOME RUNS! That's right, I said I think Boesch is going to lead the team in HOME RUNS! I'm telling you, the guy is going to see pitches to hit every time he comes up. Shoot, teams are going to be so afraid of walking him in front of the two big fellas, they might throw it up there to Boesch underhand, slow pitch softball style! He's going to have a huge year.
Now, here is where I get concerned. We all know that Justin Verlander is going to do what he does and win 20-25 games, strike out 225-250 batters, have an ERA of about 2.50 and an amazing WHIP. He's just that good. But, after that what can we expect? I think Rick Porcello is going to have a lot of games like he did yesterday, I just think he's going to put it all together this year in his fourth season. But, after that, I get nervous. Doug Fister is hurt right now, but even healthy, how can we expect him to repeat what he did for us last year? 8-1 with a sub 2.00 ERA??? Come on, that's ridiculous! When he comes off the DL, I'm hoping for consistency from him, and I'm hoping that Max Sherzer can rebound from that disaster the other day and pitch like the first round pick he was! Those two guys, Fister and Sherzer, are going to be the key to the whole season in my opinion. They have to pitch like solid big league pitchers on a top notch team. They have to be those guys that keep the team in the game until the seventh inning so our back end bullpen can take over, and that tough lineup can pull it out! If that happens more often than not, then break out the bubbly!

Here's what I think happens for the Tigers this year: I see them winning 97 games and the AL Central division title by 15-20 games, with home field advantage in the AL Playoffs. I then see them beating the Angels in the ALCS(which kinda sucks because it means playoff games starting at 10:00 here in Michigan when they are out on the west coast.) Then I see them taking on the Phillies in an ultra-competitive World Series where the Tigers take it in Game 7 in Comerica Park(thanks to an AL win in the All-Star Game.) That's right, I'm picking the Tigers to win it all this year, and I will be at the parade down Woodward Ave in late October!